Financing of the Blue Fund | The UMQ wants to be prioritized, Charette refuses

(Quebec) The Union of Municipalities (UMQ) asks that its members be prioritized for funding from the Blue Fund. A request rejected out of hand by the Minister of the Environment, Benoit Charette.

The new president of the UMQ, Martin Damphousse, pleaded his case Tuesday morning during consultations on Bill 20 which will establish the fund in question.

He argued that “municipalities play a leading role in planning, drinking water supply and environmental protection”.

An argument that did not convince the Minister of the Environment, who maintained that he had to refuse, because all the groups were going to ask for the same thing.

The Blue Fund aims to finance water protection, restoration and enhancement measures such as flood control and prevention as well as the conservation of aquatic ecosystems.

The bill specifies that it aims “to provide financial support to municipalities and non-profit organizations working for the protection, restoration, development and management of water”.

The Blue Fund will be endowed with an envelope of 500 million.

The UMQ also asks that “the supply of drinking water in the context of climate change be added to the bill to the list of matters that can be financed by the Blue Fund”.

In addition to creating this fund, this Bill 20 will increase water charges by 900%.

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