big skid in his JT on M6? Facing Yannick Alléno, the question that has not passed at all!

On May 8, 2022, Antoine Alléno lost his life in tragic circumstances. The celebrity chef’s son lost his life after being hit by a car. The driver had just stolen the vehicle and was driving under the influence of alcohol… A year after the tragedy, Yannick Alléno is learning to live without his son and is trying to pay tribute to him as best he can.

For this, he decided to create an association in the name of his son. This is to help other bereaved families. Who have also lost one or more loved ones following a road accident. In addition, Yannick Alléno wishes and works for the establishment of an offense of road homicide which would replace the term manslaughter. A fight on which he was questioned this Tuesday, May 9 in the 12/45 ofM6.

See also: URGENT – Death of Antoine Alléno, son of the famous three-star chef Yannick Alléno in a dramatic accident in Paris

Nathalie Renoux, too intrusive for Yannick Alléno

“It would change a lot of things… The way we look at the victims. […] When you know that you are taking drugs or alcohol and that you are going to drive at high speed in a city, it is like unpinning a grenade and throwing it in the middle of an audience. He noted and lamented.

However, at the start of the interview, the chief could not help but reframe the journalist. Blame it on his embarrassing personal question. “A very simple question”she began before asking him: “A year after the death of your son, how are you?”. A question not really well received by the main interested party. This one, reframing Nathalie Renoux: “I think you can move on to another question…I won’t answer.”

Following this “error”, the journalist was the target of numerous criticisms on the Web. “Nathalie Renoux, but what a bad journalist with her boat questions”, “Nathalie Renoux’s indelicacy to Yannick Alléno…”, “apologizing to a grieving father is done! And not joking!”lamented many Internet users.


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