Faced with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, France displays its national unity


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While François Fillon has decided to resign from the board of directors of two Russian companies, a national unity is emerging in France in support of Ukraine.

Former Prime Minister François Fillon decided to resign from the board of directors of two Russian companies on Friday February 25. The former statesman was criticized on this point so far, while the war is raging in Ukraine. “He was accused of being complacent with Vladimir Putin, because he would receive income from his place on the boards of the Russian state. When you work in companies that work in petrochemicals, it is in very close liaison with the Russian authorities”, confides the journalist of France Télévisions Daïc Audouit. François Fillon put in difficulty Valérie Pécresse, the LR presidential candidate.

Image of national unity, François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy were received successively at the Élysée. They shared their experience, but also showed the image of continuity in the history of France. “In a crisis situation like this, it is France that is threatened and national unity must be achieved”explains geopolitical scientist Jean-Antoine Duprat.


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