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The blockages against the pension reform could disrupt the baccalaureate exams, which begin on Monday March 20. Several teachers’ unions have called for a strike.
The tone is set, in front of a Parisian high school, Monday, March 20: 30% of teachers are on strike, determined to disrupt the baccalaureate exams. “There are colleagues who will be on strike and who will not take the baccalaureate exams“, details Marianne Cabaret, history-geo teacher unionized at SNES-FSU. To reassure the federations of parents of students, the Ministry ofEeducation has provided replacement supervisors for the tests.
Teachers mobilized throughout France
In Vanves (Hauts-de-Seine), the principals organize themselves with reservists. For the first time, high school students take their two specialty tests in March. The result counts for 32% of the final grade, and for Parcoursup. Teachers demonstrate everywhere in France. In order not to penalize the more than 530,000 students who will work for three days, the ministry has planned to unblock the entrances to establishments by force, if necessary.