Environment: France Strategy suggests a tax for express deliveries


Article written by

C.Sinz, K.Lemperor, S.Ricottier, S.Soubane, G.Michel, B.Vignais, S.Lacombe – France 3

France Televisions

Home delivery is certainly practical, but not ecological. A new report alerts on the subject, and proposes to charge more for certain deliveries, in order to dissuade certain consumers.

Speed ​​is the key argument of e-commerce sites. Consequently, delivery vans, cars or motorbikes are multiplying on French streets. This major source of pollution worries environmentalists. “The problem with express delivery is that on the one hand we will have a lot of products that will be delivered by trucks, (…) [et] in some areas there will be a lot of traffic jams linked to the continual increase in these flows”explains Etienne Coubardproject manager at friends of the earth.

To fight against this pollution, the France Strategy organization has made recommendations: remove the mention “free delivery”, better inform the consumer and pay for delivery according to its environmental impact. 34% buyers sthey say ready to pay more to be greener. “We are ready to make efforts of this type to defend our planet, ecology in general”confides a consumer. Respect for the environment is, however, the last criterion of choice for online buyers. Despite everything, more and more companies are making efforts, by making deliveries by bicycle or in electric vehicles.


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