Emmanuel Macron as a defender of peace in a long speech


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At the United Nations podium on Tuesday, September 20, Emmanuel Macron spoke about the war in Ukraine in a long speech. A speech analyzed by Anne Bourse, special correspondent in New York (United States).

In a very offensive speech, Tuesday, September 20, Emmanuel Macron spoke at length about the war in Ukraine at the UN podium in New York (United States). “Emmanuel Macron did not mince his words against Russia”judge Anne Bourse, special correspondent. “The French president has accused Moscow of hegemony and political oligarchy. Strong accusations within the confines of the UN.”

However, Emmanuel Macron does not change his line and advocates the continuation of dialogue. “Emmanuel Macron and Vladimir Poutine must talk to each other again in the next few days, note Anne Bourse. A dialogue which, for the moment, has never led the Russian president to change his position since the start of the conflict. Emmanuel Macron also did not hide his concerns about the divisions resulting from this conflict between the West and the rest of the world. He also pointed the finger at countries that do not take a position.

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