“DYS and famous” with Guillemette Faure

DYS and famous by Guillemette Faure and illustrated by Mikankey, Casterman editions, is to be read from 8 years old (May 2022). They are all dyslexic and all have found the strength to overcome difficulties to achieve their dreams.

FRANCEINFO JUNIOR LIVRES – Listen to the full column with Guillemette Faure (12 mins)

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The dyslexic, explains journalist and author Guillemette Faure, has a problem identifying the written word, which means that he cannot automate reading and writing as quickly as others. Often, these are people who have trouble on the school tracks, but who will ‘have fun’ in lots of other things on the side. For example, I am thinking of Arnaud Gérald, who is the world champion in freediving. He says: me, the fact of not being particularly sensitive to numbers, that meant that I wasn’t obsessed like the others with saying I want to reach 20 meters, 40 meters, 100 meters… The numbers, he doesn’t don’t see, he wants to keep going lower.”

Guillemette Faure highlights the fact that there is a true complicity who settles down Between them parents and them children.

“Almost all of them have had parents who encouraged them in what they knew how to do, rather than filling in the gaps. And they also have almost all in common to have had on their way an adult who believed in them.

Guillemette Faure

at franceinfo

“I am thinking, for example, of the Nobel Prize in Physics Jacques Dubochet. He is a professor who helped him for a year or two to build a telescope. Jacques Dubochet says: in fact, when you are a researcher, everyone searches in the same way. But when you are dyslexic, as you look at things differently, you are more likely to find other things.”

The people who are dyslexic also feel like of bear witness : “VSis really something that struck meadds Guillemette Faure. It’s that people that in my life as a journalist I would have a hard time contacting, like Erin Brockovich, the whistleblower (in the cinema she had been interpreted by Julia Roberts), she was delighted to tell all about that part of her life. These are people for whom it is an essential part of them and the way they grew up”.

And then, he there has too all those who don’t have not known that they were dyslexics and who the discover very late. “On really sees the generational aspect. For example, Spielberg says, for me, that was a missing piece of the puzzle.”

“By focusing on these spelling stories, we miss all these great talents.”

Guillemette Faure

at franceinfo

Guillemette Faure is an author and journalist columnist at M The magthe magazine of the newspaper The world. It was his dyslexic daughter who inspired him to write this book.

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