“Du bla-bla-bla, a great circus”, for the young activists gathered in the United Kingdom

About 70 young climate activists from around the world attend discussions between heads of state at COP26. But they remain convinced that this summit in Glasgow will not change anything in climate change.

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Éric N’Juguna is 19 years old. He has just finished high school and holds a blue United Nations badge to enter COP26. He is part of Greta Thunberg’s movement, Youth4Climate and he explains that thanks to large NGOs, around 70 young people can navigate the organization to follow the discussions and create links with other youth movements. Friday November 5, Youth4Climate is organizing a new “Strike Friday” with a march through Glasgow. The next day, Saturday, another big march is planned by the Climate 21 Coalition.

During these events, Éric will demand climate justice. Unconditional financial support for poor countries, because it ensures that you no longer believe in this kind of event: “I didn’t come to COP26 because I thought something was going to happen, explains the young activist, but because I wanted to see in real life how the leaders of the world deteriorate the lives of others, how they make the wrong decisions and how they play with the lives of others. Because their decisions threaten lives. Climate change is already affecting us in the south “, he adds.

“Here we are at COP26, all the previous ones were a failure and this one will be the same thing.”

Eric N’Juguna, 19, member of Youth4Climate

to franceinfo

This year, Greta Thunberg did not participate in COP26. She met with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres but only spoke out to taunt the leaders and their commitments. The tone was more radical. The more casual style. “What has changed is that she does things more collectively than before, says Nicolas Haeringer of the 350.org organization, It is true that at the very beginning she was in fact alone. Then there was a kind of celebrity relationship built by the heads of state and part of the media as well. She is now trying to do things more collectively. Suddenly it is less visible and it is others who are more visible “, underlines the young activist. “But nobody intends to play the game of supporting this purr, this blah-blah-blah which is a great circus”, he asserts. The demonstrations in Glasgow will make it possible to measure the level of mobilization and anger vis-à-vis the lack of ambition of many leaders, in the country of extinction Rebellion the young and very active movement of civil disobedience.

Young activists do not believe in COP 26 – report in Glasgow by Etienne Monin.

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