Germany records an unprecedented number of contaminations in one day

More than 33,000 people have contracted Covid-19, according to a report by German authorities published on Thursday.

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The situation is deteriorating across the Rhine. Germany recorded a record number of new Covid-19 infections on Thursday, November 4, with 33,949 additional cases in 24 hours, according to the Robert Koch health watch institute.

The previous record was reached on December 18, 2020, with 33,777 new infections. In total, more than 4.6 million people have been infected since the start of the epidemic by the new coronavirus in Germany, hit by a fourth “massive” wave affecting mainly the unvaccinated, according to the government of Angela Merkel .

Germany has also recorded an average of 19,702 daily cases over the last 7 days, a number that had not been reached since the end of April. The incidence rate in Germany reached 154.5 on Thursday, with peaks in Länder of the former GDR such as Saxony (336.4) or Thuringia (357.4).

“The situation is serious”, commented on the public channel ZDF Helge Braun, right-hand man of Angela Merkel in the chancellery. “We are already seeing a massive load (in hospitals) in Thuringia and Saxony”, two particularly affected regions. “The important thing is that citizens understand that winter will unfortunately be problematic again”, added this trained doctor, calling on the Germans to “caution”.

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