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As the pandemic numbers keep rising with the Omicron variant, the chief Danish epidemiologist has said the virus will subside in February.
Judith Mueller, epidemiologist and professor at EHESP explains that according to data from the Pasteur Institute, the Omicron wave should ease in February. However, she does not claim that the virus will no longer circulate afterwards. She maintains that small waves are possible while having a more or less normal life.
According to the researchers, the Omicron variant would be less dangerous, because influenza or bronchiolitis are more present than in previous waves. For the doctor Mueller, this can be explained by the more flexible restrictions applied this winter. She maintains that Omicron is no less dangerous but requires fewer hospitalizations. Decreases in hospitalizations of only 25%, according to English data. Judith Mueller considers that we must therefore stay vigilant with this variant.