Discover the new Constance Lainé de Craon school group in South Mayenne

In the middle of a move, the new premises of the Constance Lainé school group in Craon, in the South of Mayenne, are taking shape. At the start of the school year in September 2022, the pupils of the Erik Satie and Henri Matisse schools will therefore be in brand new classes. Video tour of the owner.

Brand new classrooms for the pupils of the Erik Satie kindergarten and Henri Matisse elementary schools in Craon, in the South of Mayenne. During the move, the new Constance Lainé school center, will be operational on September 1, 2022 for the 240 students of the municipality. There are still a few boxes, chairs to install, paintings to fix and dormitories to finish before the start of the school year, but everything will be ready for September, promises youth assistant Aurélie Mahier.

A little late in the construction

“The start of the work dates back to before Covid”she adds, “we should have started in this school a year earlier but we are a year late, explained by the Covid and the delay as in all construction sites”. “When You Have Two Sites” that are grafted to another site, “We don’t move like that over a period of short vacations, everyone is at full speed, you really need to have the time of summer to settle down and do things quietly”comments Aurélie Mahier.

And if you too want to discover this new establishment, there will be an open house afternoon for residents on October 22, 2022.

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