did the health restrictions disappear too quickly?



Article written by

B. Paris, France 3 Regions, L. Barbier – franceinfo

France Televisions

Several European countries have been accused by the World Health Organization (WHO) of having lifted health constraints too quickly. Tuesday March 22, the WHO recommends vigilance in the face of the rebound of the epidemic, due to the BA.2 sub-variant.

There are new crowds in French pharmacies. “Since the February holidays, we had around twenty tests a day, there we left around 40-50. And in these tests, we have almost 80% positive“, declares Céline Peronne, pharmacist in Amiens (Somme). The World Health Organization estimates, Tuesday March 22, that an epidemic rebound is in progress, and that the wearing of the mask was abandoned too soon.

The peak of contaminations reached its peak on January 25, with more than 366,000 cases per day. On March 4, it fell to its lowest point with 52,000 cases per day. Tuesday, March 22, the figure is close to 90,000. With or without a mask, the Covid-19 remains a concern. “My family keeps the mask, we protect each other“, says a young woman. For the moment, the resumption of the epidemic does not affect the intensive care units of hospitals, which monitor the evolution.

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