Dancing with the stars: A former candidate joins the jury, and a new “favorite” recruit

While Karine Ferri announced leaving the adventure Dance with the stars, this is not the only big change that awaits the many fans of the successful program of TF1. Indeed, our colleagues from the newspaper The Parisian announces this Thursday, July 21, 2022 that a former participant will join the jury. And not the least since it is about Bilal Hassani. At the start of the next school year, the 22-year-old singer will therefore be alongside Chris Marques, who once again finds his chair, but also François Alu, the star dancer is back for a new round.

The program presented by Camille Combal, on the other hand, will add two new recruits to the bench of its jury. Thus, Bilal Hassani is not the only new headliner for the next season since TF1 will also be able to count on Marie-Agnes Gillotthe first dancer to be named with a contemporary dance in 2004 and a member of Les Enfoirés since 2016.”A rookie courted for many years, and who had already stood out in ‘The best dance’ on W 9 and M 6 in 2011 and 2012“, report our colleagues. Frédéric Pedraza, deputy director of TF 1 Production, is proud of this recruit, a “favoriter”. “She’s a terrific performer and dancer. And she is above all a very audacious and visionary artist. She was one of the first to push back the walls of the Paris Opera, she choreographed hip-hop, she created her own academy… She is extremely educational, with an endearing personality that is different from anything we have seen so far. It’s a real crush“, he let know.

A departure that may sadden the fans

On the other hand, a departure risks saddening the fans of DALS. Indeed, the one who is very close to her comrade François Alu and who makes the success of the program as a dancer then as a juror for many seasons leaves the adventure. Denitsa Ikonomova will not be a judge or candidate. “He was offered to return to the court but his schedule does not allow itsaid Frederic Pedraza. She is preparing the choreography for a big film at the start of the school year, and is working on another feature film.“She should nevertheless return for the time of an event in the season. Jean-Paul Gaultier meanwhile bows out after a single season, due to his busy schedule.

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