Cyril Mokaiesh pays tribute to Georges Moustaki, ten years after his death

Every day, a personality invites herself into the world of Élodie Suigo. Today, former tennis player and singer, Cyril Mokaiesh. He has just released a cover album of 12 tracks by Georges Moustaki, who died on May 23, 2013, entitled “Le temps de vivre”.

Formerly a tennis player, Cyril Mokaiesh turned to music very early on. His title of champion of France at 18 and his love of the yellow ball did not prevail against his desire to take up the pen. The artist was therefore born very early, first in a group, then solo with his first two albums. Red and passions (2011) and The love that invents itself (2014), which received critical and public acclaim. In 2021, he released an album of duets, dyad. This Tuesday, May 23, 2023, it has been 10 years since Georges Moustaki left us and on this occasion, Cyril Mokaiesh has just released an album of covers of 12 of his titles entitled The time to live.

franceinfo: The time to live is an album of covers or reinterpretations?

Cyril Mokaiesh: A tribute album that happened a bit by chance, I must say. I wanted to let myself be carried away. Sometimes, we do things without asking too many questions and we let ourselves be carried away by the work, the life and the romantic, almost cinematographic character of Moustaki. Travel, poetry, a form of political commitment through his songs, but always with a nonchalance, a crooked smile that conveys messages that are sometimes harsh, true, lucid, but suddenly very audible and charming.

He had harsh words, but at the same time, he had this tenderness that made people listen more to what he said and take it into account. Was that the strength of Georges Moustaki?

Yes I think. Moreover, Léo Ferré had said something good to him: “You whisper what I scream Georges“.

It’s true that in form, you can say serious or strong things, whispering them, with tenderness and femininity, and I think that was one of Georges Moustaki’s greatest assets.

Cyril Mokaiesh

at franceinfo

Léo Ferré was an inspiration to you very early on.

Léo Ferré was my first inspiration. My first big emotion. My very short sports career also came to an end when I heard songs by Léo Ferré and I said to myself: wow the power of song, writing, poetry, the strength of what we can represent, say, convey as an idea, it was an uppercut and there, I said to myself: ok, stop! I won’t get to that level, but I’ll do everything to get closer.

That said, I have the impression that this athletic career has allowed you to not let go.

Of course. And then it still happens to me to think back to when I had important tournaments or matches, important finals. Finally, the way to prepare before a concert or the way to prepare before writing a song, there are common points. We have to put ourselves in a kind of state that allows us to express ourselves fully.

Let’s talk about the scene. You will be on June 28, 2023 at the Théâtre de l’Atelier in Paris, on July 14 at the Francofolies in La Rochelle. There are a few dates announced that will allow you to pay tribute to Georges Moustaki. It’s been ten years to the day since he left us. Are you looking forward to meeting this audience?

It’s the moment of truth and then it’s funny because I didn’t want to do a concert that was ‘classic’.

On stage, I bet on blending in a little with the clothes and life of Georges Moustaki and saying: I, to speak in the first person.

Cyril Mokaiesh

at franceinfo

At first, I was a little scared to slip into his costume. I said to myself: maybe people will burst out laughing after two songs when I say: my name is Joseph and I was born in Alexandria. I believe that we arrive at a show that looks more like a creation, a proposal, between the concert and the theatre.

I would like us to talk about this notion, freedom, which was ultimately the most important for him, which corresponds to you and which seems to have made you want to attack Georges Moustaki. He wrote My freedom for Serge Reggiani. Isn’t that what most defines Georges Moustaki and what defines you the most?

In any case, it’s a song from his work that speaks to me the most. My freedom, yes, it’s being able to fully live this job as I imagine he lived it and as I live it. What I appreciate in all the artists I admire, but in particular in Moustaki, is this ability to be there when needed and to be able to step aside to go and fill his mind, his heart, to have something to say again. Speaking in song, like in all the arts, I think is not something to be taken lightly. You don’t have to do to do.

Isn’t this tribute album just a hyphen with what will happen next? That is to say, was it necessary for you to take a step back and understand this notion of taking the time to live?

Yes, it sure did me good. I really took it step by step and as I heard songs that started, for example: “I declare the state of permanent happiness without it being voted in any parliament“, I really felt that I had made an ally and more than that. Little by little, I realized that I was going to really want to say his words. It nourishes me and I believe that that makes me happy somewhere too.

Finally, what is the song that speaks to you the most then?

I think it is My loneliness which touches me the most because it has something imperceptible, almost ambiguous. Until the end, we do not really know how we apprehend loneliness, how we live with it and if we really choose it, if it will be my last mistress or my most beautiful lover. Something like that. There is a doubt that hovers and I like that. I like mixed feelings.

Cyril Mokaiesh will be in concert on June 3 and 4, 2023 at the Contrescarpe in Paris, on June 10 at Le Haillan, on the 28th at the Théâtre de l’Atelier in Paris, on July 14 at the Francofolies de la Rochelle.

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