Cyril Hanouna, Karine Le Marchand, Nagui… Focus on the astronomical salaries of PAF stars!

Over the years, Karine Le Marchand, Nikos Aliagas, Michel Drucker and Cyril Hanouna have managed to stand out in the ruthless world of audiovisual. All are now at the head of a successful show on different channels. To retain these great figures to boost the audiences of their group, there is no secret: an excellent understanding with the management is essential… As well as a good salary!

To date, Jean-Luc Reichmann would be one of the highest paid animators of the PAF. The companion of Nathalie Lecoultre would not receive less than 125,000 euros per month. “Jean-Luc Reichmann is a unique case. It’s the only one that in ten years hasn’t lost a viewer. All have lost, Koh-Lanta, The Voice. But he was at 3.2 million the first season and he was at 3.5 million last season, ” analyzed Benjamin Castaldi on the Touche set not at my post. Talking about money is not taboo for Aurore Aleman’s husband. Quite the contrary!

“It fluctuated between 400,000 and 650,000 euros…”

When he served as a presenter on TF1, the happy dad of four was pretty well off. “I earned a very good living between 2009 and 2011”he said at the microphone of RTL. “ It was a Secret Story package. It fluctuated between 400,000 and 650,000 euros per season.. Like other of his colleagues, Nagui would also have the chance to hit the jackpot every month according to Capital.

In 2018, our colleagues ensured that it “would benefit from a comfortable annual salary of between 750,000 and 1 million euros as an employee of the France Television group, to which are added approximately 120,000 to 150,000 euros per year from France Inter”. As for Cyril Hanouna or Michel Drucker, they would have the chance to receive approximately 40,000 euros every month. Against 30,000 euros for Karine Le Marchand or Nikos Aliagas when he orchestrates the presentation of a bonus. And for a simple game, he would receive between 8,000 and 15,000 euros per show.

Impossible to ignore the salaries of some stars of the JT. According to Nicolas Pernikoff, former director of the group’s flow programs France Televisions, Anne-Claire Coudray would be paid 30,000 euros per month for the presentation of the newspaper on weekends. Jacques Legros for his part would receive 2,000 euros per news. As for Gilles Boulot, he would earn between 35,000 and 40,000 euros per month for his daily life. Numbers that make you dizzy!


to see also: “Benjamin Castaldi is full of excavations”: resentful, Cyril Hanouna balances on the salary sheet of his replacement

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