Cuisine: tabbouleh, national emblem in Lebanon



Article written by

L.De Villepin, S.Gripon, M.Jallad, H.Nalbandian – France 2

France Televisions

The 13 Hours continues, Wednesday, August 10, its world tour of summer salads. Stopover in Lebanon, to taste an original tabbouleh in which semolina has no place.

A must in Lebanese cuisine, tabbouleh enjoys worldwide fame. Its flavors and freshness have conquered the West, but remain especially revered in its country of origin. It is indispensable in every restaurant or at every occasion meal. “Taboule is Lebanese, it’s nothing else”ifboasts a customer at a local restaurant. Its secret lies in the flavors of the country, with an exceptional parsley grown close to the Mediterranean.

The recipe is simple. You must first slice the parsley without chopping it so as not to blacken it, then add diced fresh tomatoes, green onions, mint and finish with a little bulgur before seasoning with lemon juice and in olive oil. “It is a national emblem that brings together all of Lebanon around the colors of the flag, green, red and white”underlines the restaurateur Kamal Mouzawac, in a country in the grip of a violent economic crisis.

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