Come and celebrate the radio with the France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne team on June 2 and 3!

After a year 2021 rich in more than 500 events organized in France, the Fête de la Radio returns for a 2022 edition on June 2 and 3! Obviously, France Bleu Champagne-Ardenne will give you, your listeners, the opportunity to go behind the scenes of its branch!

The Radio Festival is an exceptional event that allows the general public to discover thebehind the scenes of this wonderful medium that is radio.

The small dishes in the big ones

Many events are of course organized by different partners, at each edition. In 2021, more than 500 events have paced the Radio Festivalbetween live radio broadcasts, radio visits, conferences, setting up web radio, workshops with schoolchildren or even concerts… This year again, the choice will be just as vast, June 2 and 3for the public who would like to discover the world of radio!

The public can then get familiar with with the different radio listening techniques, the notions of live and replay, the different sections of a radio program, the playlist…

And locally…

As it concerns the city of coronations and our beautiful local branch France Blue Champagne-Ardenneknow that the team will be at the Closin the Reims district of Boulingrin, at 25 Rue du Templein order to offer you a special edition of thehappy hoursBetween 4 p.m. and 7 p.m., Thursday, June 2 ! As always, Happy Hour will be livebut this time, the show will take root at Clos.

The Fête de la Radio, an important event to make this exciting medium known to the general public
© The Radio Festival

Of many activities will punctuate the evening.

A radio workshop open to listeners and schools will be set up between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. so that they can make a radio production who will then be submitted to a jury made up of radio professionals. Are you a radio enthusiast? Do you want to dive into the secrets of this medium? We are waiting for you at the radio workshop!

Guests, local radio professionalswill talk about their experience and tell their best anecdotes, while imagining the future of radio.

And after Happy Hour, the evening will continue even more, during a friendly moment and sharingwith a special programming and one exclusive mix of Nina Lombardi to wiggle on a quality playlist! We are expecting many of you!

The radio is celebrating, June 2 and 3and we hope that many of you will take part in this great initiative and celebrate the media that is ours, with joy and good humor!

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