Cédric Jubillar: His new companion intimidated by one of his fellow prisoners? Disturbing revelations

Still imprisoned on the side of the Toulouse-Seysses prison (Haute-Garonne) since June 18, Cedric Jubillar is the number one suspect in the mysterious disappearance of his companion, Delphine Jubillar, on December 16, 2020. Indicted for “spousal homicide”, the 34-year-old painter and plasterer continues to claim his innocence. From his cell, the latter nevertheless continues to maintain a relationship with a woman, a certain Séverine L., whom he met after the start of the affair.

Having become very close to her over time, Cédric Jubillar would have confided in Séverine L. and he notably wrote her a particularly strange letter from prison. On December 14, 2021, the investigation was widened following suspicion of “concealment of a corpse” and the gendarmes decided to arrest the suspect’s new companion at her home. Taken into custody, she says she knows nothing about the crime, but she nevertheless had to deal with a former fellow prisoner of Cédric, a certain Marco, a rather disturbing Corsican. Following her custody, no charges were brought against Séverine.

It was to remove the doubt that I showed Marco where the farm was

In her deposition, Séverine L. explains that Cédric told her in a joking tone to have buried Delphine’s body near a farm in Cagnac. “It was to remove the doubt that I showed Marco where the farm was, so that he can go and check if Delphine’s body is buried”, she declares to the gendarmes, before making a secret, as revealed by Le Parisien. If she never spoke about this episode to the gendarmes before, it is because Cédric’s former fellow prisoner makes him “fear”.

Still held prisoner, Cédric Jubillar made several requests for release, all rejected by the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal. The investigating judges in charge of the case summoned Cédric Jubillar for a new interrogation on February 11.

Cédric Jubillar remains presumed innocent of the charges against him until the final judgment of this case.

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