Cathy Gauthier reveals herself through a fourth solo in 20 years of career

The batteries fully charged, thanks to her most recent stay in Barbados, an island where she has her habits and where she knows how to take care of herself, Cathy Gauthier has resumed the break-in of her fourth solo, Classic, on March 4th. “It’s a show that was largely written on stage,” she explains. I had started before the pandemic to integrate new material into the previous solo, not too catholic, especially in reminders. As we speak, after about thirty running-in performances, there is a good half-hour show which is still just in my head, which I haven’t taken the time to put down on paper. »

In January, in Jessica Barker and Patricia Beaulieu’s documentary on perinatal mental health, Mom, why are you crying?, Cathy Gauthier addressed the physical and mental exhaustion she felt after giving birth in 2018. “I have a very positive assessment of my participation in this film, she says. I talk about all that in the show: depression, generalized anxiety, vulnerability, the difficulty in accepting the situation, in accepting the help offered to us. I feel even more empowered to do this now that I know how many women go through this. »

New chapter

On February 25, the day of his 45th birthday, the comedian wrote on Instagram: “I am starting a new chapter in my life. I am surrounded by wonderful friends and a child who is the greatest gift life has given me. My new mantra: don’t let anger and pain color my emotions. Be big and be strong. »

“I have sought to be loved for too long,” admits Gauthier. Already, as a child, I wanted to be the perfect little girl. Now what people think of me is the least of my worries. I finally have the perspective, the experience, the resources and the maturity to talk about myself, really, frankly, without fear of displeasing. In my new show, everything is real, everything starts from me. I hope to bring people to different areas, cause all kinds of laughter, elicit a whole range of emotions. »

In Classicfourth solo show after 100% mad cow(2005), Disheveled ! (2012) and not too catholic (2015), the humorist, who still lives very well with the label of spiritual daughter of Dominique Michel and who does not hesitate to claim Olivier Guimond and de la Poune, embroiders around three main subjects: “It is about motherhood in the broad sense, mental health and ultimately sexuality… non-existent. The reason I talk so much about motherhood is that I haven’t done anything in the past four years other than giving birth and putting on Purell, which has left me with two parts of my body squealing dry! »

Feminist in her own way

It has been said of Cathy Gauthier that she was raw, vulgar, naughty, crazy, without filter and even, the height of ignominy, that she dared to talk about sex like a man. “My humor is raw, certainly, even confronting, but not vulgar, she wishes to specify. These are scathing words, but said with truth, a sincerity that cannot be invented. I know that my shows do a lot of women good. I receive many messages where they engage in me. I’m a bit like the cousin you would like to have in your party of Christmas, or even the aunt cool. I have a real communion with my public and I am aware of the privilege that this represents. »

In a way, the approach of Cathy Gauthier, visibly disturbing, threatening the status quo, may well have something feminist. “It shocked a lot at first, recognizes the main interested party. Let’s say I didn’t just make friends. But as Dominique Michel reminded me at that time: the dogs bark, the caravan passes. »

Before it was in the air, the comedian showed empowerment in his way without taboos or complexes of approaching the relationships between men and women, love, fidelity, sexuality…: “I am a feminist , there is no doubt about it, but often without knowing it, without realizing it, without being fully aware of it. Already, as a child, I fought for girls to have the same rights as boys in the schoolyard. I said loud and clear: we don’t settle for the guys! »

Take his place

To explain the title of the show that will occupy him at least for the next year, the comedian speaks of a return to his roots: “I’m going back to stand-up classic. Classic as in “classic Coca-Cola”, hence the color and lettering of the poster, but also as in “class”. I am always raw, direct, but also capable of sobriety. This show is me in its purest form, armed with my microphone. It’s an 80-minute ride with no intermission, no stunts, and no video footage in a sex shop. »

After specifying that Julien Corriveau and Luc Boucher collaborated on the texts and that Charles Dauphinais signed the staging, Gauthier is enthusiastic about Caroline Dulude, who also contributed to the writing: “I discovered her on Twitter. She took evening classes in writing at the National School of Humor. She is very funny. She’s a woman my age. We live essentially the same things. I love her so much. There may be five gags of her in the show, but they punch not nearly. »

“My place, I didn’t ask for it, I took it”, affirms the one who has certainly encouraged several women to pursue a career in humor: “So much the better if I was able to inspire girls to do humor, but it was never a goal that I pursued. That said, what Dodo did for me when I started out, I’m happy to do it right now for Sylvie Tourigny, who is opening for me. We’ve been on the road together for a long time. As they say: what is said in the tank, stays in the tank! Now she’s my friend, my boyfriend woman. When I get carried away, when I worry for nothing, he is one of the rare people capable of bringing me back to reality. »


By Cathy Gautier. At the Olympia, April 5; at the Salle Albert-Rousseau in Québec, on April 27; then on tour across the province until June 2023.

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