Health News

blood tests to ensure proper use of antibiotics

To deal with stock shortages, the government presented measures on...

burn-outs are increasing among YouTubers

More and more content creators on the online video platform are overwhelmed...

franceinfo junior. What are DYS disorders?

In franceinfo junior, students from Pierre Blanquie college are interested in DYS...

the government announces a new “road map” against stock shortages

In recent years, periods of tension in the supply of...

MPs and associations want a commission of inquiry into the situation in hospitals

“Everyone is ready to believe that these tragic situations are...

the rant of a volunteer firefighter, witness to discomfort in the Paris metro

Witness to the scene, which he recounted on X, Maxime launched an appeal on franceinfo for first aid training. ...

why is Finistère the only department spared?

While the maximum risk for allergies to several tree pollens...

ranked third most polluted city in the world in a ranking, the city of Milan is worried and takes strict measures

The economic capital of Italy suffers in particular from its...
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