Health News

Examinations of the functioning of the nervous system

What is it about ? Stimulations (stimuli) in the muscles and the nervous system (the brain, spinal cord and nerves) are caused...

Eye and vision exams in young children

What is it about ? The sight of young children is systematically evaluated during each examination, whether at the pediatrician or during...

Eye exams

What is it about ? Sight is the work of the eyes, the brain and the nerves that connect them. Our...

Reviews in skin diseases

What is it about ? It can be difficult to make the correct diagnosis in skin diseases. Most often, the...

Brain and spinal cord imaging tests

Imaging provides useful information about processes that take place in the human body. Neuroradiology makes it possible to visualize the nervous...

Physical examination of a newborn baby

What is it about ? After birth, each child undergoes several careful examinations by a doctor. The first exam is done...

Examination of the nervous system (neurological examination)

What is it about ? The nervous system is made up of a central part (brain and spinal cord) and a peripheral...

Examination of the synovial fluid

What is it about ? Synovial fluid is the fluid that is in the joint. A buildup of fluid in the...

Breast examination (lump, pain, minor changes)

What is it about ? It is common for women to experience pain in one or both breasts. They, or their...

Examining the coronary arteries (diagnostic coronary angiography)

What is it about ? A diagnostic coronary angiogram is a test that can detect narrowed or blocked areas in the coronary...

Bone marrow exam

What is it about ? The bone marrow is located in the center of certain bones (canal or medullary cavity). The...

Examination of the mobility of the eardrum (tympanometry)

What is it about ? The "tympanum" is the Latin word for the middle ear or what is also called the "eardrum"....

Examination of renal function (glomerular filtration rate, GFR)

What is it about ? The kidneys are made up of millions of microscopic filters (the glomeruli). Blood flows continuously through...

Examination of liver function

What is it about ? A doctor can take a blood test during a check-up, check-up or when symptoms are present. ...

Shoulder joint examination

What is it about ? The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body. This mobility is ensured by...

Examining a Sexual Assault Victim

What is it about ? Sexual assault is referred to as soon as a sexual act is committed without the consent of...

Examination of a child with a joint infection

What is it about ? Arthritis is inflammation in a joint. The main features of inflammation are: swelling, redness, heat, pain,...

Fainting (syncope)

What is it about ? Fainting is a sudden, brief, and spontaneous transient loss of consciousness caused by insufficient blood supply to...

Preoperative assessment and examinations

What is it about ? An operation is often one of the possible treatments for a given disease. Deciding whether or...

Assessment of the physical and mental capacities of the elderly

What is it about ? Our bodies and brains degrade with age. This can manifest itself at some point in physical...
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