Camille Lellouche pregnant: she reveals an impressive photo of her very round belly

He takes care of everything

A pregnancy that notably ruined her body summer. “We are on a nice mass gain. I wouldn’t talk about weight, I would talk about mass! It’s all we love just before summer. There are choices in life to be made and when you want a child you gain weight. You become a whale!“, she said a few weeks ago. This stage of life also causes a lot of stress. “The closer it gets, the more scared I get. Am I kidding myself? Yes of course. I’m very scared, of everything, even the words we use: mucous plug, bag of water, epidural too, it doesn’t make me like it”, had shared Camille Lellouche.

But despite these drawbacks, the comedian has never smiled so much in his videos, enough to conclude that she is more than impatient to welcome her first child, whose father is a man of whom we know practically nothing. It’s a “discreet dad”, who “does the cleaning, he tidies up, he makes the meals… He takes good care of me, he takes care of everythingshe had shared about him.

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