Camille Lellouche in full regret of her pregnancy? At the end of the line, she cracks on Instagram

If some women remember their pregnancy all their life, and dream of experiencing this moment throughout their lives, Camille Lellouche is not at all part of this category. In fact, since she shelters life in her sublime rounded belly, the comedian seems to live complicated days. She never hesitates to share her troubles with her subscribers on Instagram to make them understand that carrying a child was far from being a long calm river.

A few days ago, she was already giving some details about the problems of the first months, starting with the big weight gain. “We are on a nice mass gain. I will not talk about weight, I will talk about mass! That’s all we like just before summer”she explained at first before comparing herself to a whale, always with the touch of humor that we know her: “There are choices in life to be made and when you want a child you gain weight”she finally concluded.

Not so sublime

This Friday, May 27, it was not to talk about her weight that she spoke… although she did not fail to have a sad thought for her figure of a goddess already part of ancient history. Indeed, if Camille Lellouche addressed her community, it was also and above all to lift the veil on pregnancy in general, and to evoke the dark sides which are not sufficiently addressed according to her. “I’m so happy to be pregnant, I’ve been waiting for this for a long time. It’s a very beautiful moment”she let go at first before revealing her true face and revealing that it was simply irony: “wrong, it’s not a good time at all”. “It’s not a very beautiful moment. The beautiful moment is when I’m going to give birth, when I’m going to see my baby, the love of my life. That’s the beautiful moment!”she later explained.

And if this moment was not the most ideal for Camille Lellouche, it is also because physical problems, in addition to mental ones, seem to be very numerous in her. “Floppy legs, heavy legs, cellulite, varicose veins, pimples on the back, pimples around the mouth, nausea, vomiting, impossible to sleep! It’s been five months since I gained 10 kg. […] No, without lying, it’s incredible but it’s true that you lie too much! All and all!”, she added a bit annoyed. We hope that the one who has just revealed the “father” has known all the worries related to pregnancy and that the situation will not worsen over the months.

See also: Camille Lellouche succumbed to cosmetic surgery!


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