In her own way, Camille Cerf marked the universe of Miss France. After her coronation in 2014, the main interested party chained the projects. Not long ago, the ex-protégé of Sylvie Tellier invested in stone in Lille. On the Web, she likes to immortalize the progress of the work. At the same time, the former beauty queen continues to shine on TV. Like thousands of viewers, Camille Cerf is a fan of countless programs. In particular from Star Academy, the new edition of which was launched last October on TF1.
The young woman had the chance to attend the show case of the candidates. Some sequences were revealed during the daily. On the web, many internet users commented on his move: “Camille Cerf: ‘I came from Lille on purpose’… Yeah, take us for c*ns too”, “I have nothing against Camille Cerf, but what is the relationship with the song?”, “Camille Cerf was paid to come or did she come of her own free will? “.
“I have a relationship with Sony…”
Taken aback by some Twittos, the host took to her Instagram account this Wednesday, November 23, 2022 to calm the controversy. She also pinned a few messages in her story to support her words: “ Hello everyone, I don’t know if you’ve watched the Star Academy daily, it’s a bit of a dream come true for me”, confides Camille Cerf in front of the camera. “You could say I was in Star Academy. I’ll explain to you on Twitter I see a lot of stuff from people saying ‘yes but like what is she doing there?’ […]. I will explain to you what happened. I have a relationship with Sony […] I had contributed to an album of covers of northern songs. I had sung a song that was produced by Sony. And since regularly, I go to events with Sony such as the Harry Styles concert recently. And when they saw that I was a Star Ac’ fan, they invited me. »
As she pointed out, everything was orchestrated at the last minute. “I was warned a little bit at the last moment. I really made the round trip and I took the train from Lille to go to Paris and meet the students. […] », assured Camille Cerf. “For me, I was just going to see a show case, I didn’t know there would be small dedications and I didn’t know it would be a daily routine. I think that on their side it was not planned either, but as the meeting was nice they put it on”. End of the controversy?

to see also: Jean-Jacques Goldman intervenes (well in spite of himself) in the Star Academy!