Bruce Willis: His disease could come from an event dating back to 20 years…

The announcement shook and moved Hollywood, actor legend Bruce Willis ended his career at the age of 67. Forced to say stop at the cinema because of a serious brain disease, aphasia, the one who had distinguished himself in the saga diehard is no longer able to practice the profession that made him a star. Friends of the latter told The Sun than the origin of the disease could be an accident which occurred on a film set in 2002

Indeed, the cause of the end of the career of Bruce Willis could be the filming of tears of the sunduring which the actor was shot in the head by “a pyrotechnic object. At the time, the star had also filed a complaint against the company Revolution Studio and the professional special effects Joe Pancake stating that he had suffered from “mental and physical injuries after he was hit by an explosive mimicking a pistol shot. The facts date back to October 2002. Joe Pancake had refuted the accusations by declaring to the DailyMail : “That’s bullshit, the judge laughed in his face“.

According to a special effects technician, on set, Bruce Willis and three other actors were firing blanks when a “hot socketstruck the star’s forehead. In the film, Bruce Willis played the role of Lt. AK Waters, a master fighter on a mission to rescue a doctor kidnapped by rebels in the jungles of Nigeria. actor had declared suffering “extreme mental, physical and emotional pain.“According to his lawyers, Bruce Willis had to call in medical personnel at the time. The case was closed in August 2005, without our knowing if any money had been paid… Thursday 31 March, Joe Pancake said the Hollywood star gave him hell during the two-year lawsuit by dragging his name through the mud…

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