“Becoming a father” | Fun capsules to accompany dads

The duo behind the Nouveaux Pères web platform is launching a series of capsules that aims to promote and encourage the commitment of Quebec fathers.

In a playful, funny and short format (each capsule lasts approximately four minutes), Maxime Pearson and Samuel Tremblay, both 33 years old, address fathers on subjects such as sexuality, communication, family-work balance and father-child relationships.

Produced with the support of the Ministère de la Famille and the Optimum Resource Center for Men, the “Becoming a father” capsules are researched: the facts presented come from data taken from the scientific literature and expert opinions.

“We speak to fathers to tell them: get involved, express yourself, take your place and make your family a priority,” says Maxime Pearson, father of two boys aged 4 and 2.

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