Attempted murder against Cristina Kirchner | The assailant and his partner will be charged on Thursday

(Buenos Aires) The judge in charge of the investigation into the attack against Argentinian Vice-President Cristina Kirchner retained a “planning and prior agreement” against the assailant and his companion, the only detainees at this stage, according to the indictment quoted by several Argentine media, including the official Telam agency.

Posted yesterday at 10:24 p.m.

The 35-year-old attacker and his 23-year-old partner will be charged Thursday with attempted homicide on the person of Mme Kirchner “with prior planning and agreement between the two of them,” according to the indictment.

This charge is still provisional at this stage of the preliminary investigation, for a period of ten working days, but it constitutes formal confirmation that in the eyes of justice, the attack against Cristina Kirchner was premeditated, and several.

Fernando André Sabag Montiel, 35, was arrested Thursday evening at the scene of the attack, when he had just pointed a pistol about one meter from the head of Mme Kirchner, in the middle of a crowd of sympathizers with whom she mingled in front of her home.

For some reason not officially confirmed, the shot did not fire, although the gun was loaded and in working order, but apparently without a bullet engaged in the chamber.

Brenda Ulliarte, his young companion, was arrested Sunday evening in a train station in Buenos Aires. In interviews given to television channels in the 48 hours following the attack, she assured that she had not seen her friend for two days. The analysis of video surveillance images has since shown that they were both at the scene of the attack the same evening, according to judicial sources cited by the media.

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