at least 60 dead in the bombing of a school in the Donbass


France 3

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Saturday, May 7, a bomb fell in the Donbass. The Russians targeted a school, where nearly 90 people had taken refuge. On the spot, the journalist Agnès Vahramian describes what happened.

“This is the road leading to the village of Bilohorivka. We cannot use it, because the position at the checkpoint, and also the whole road, has been shelled since then. [dimanche matin 8 mai]. [Samedi 7 mai] around 4:30 p.m. a Russian plane dropped a bomb on the school which was serving as a shelter for 90 people.reports Agnès Vahramian, special correspondent in Ukraine for France Télévisions.

“The rescuers were able to access the village [samedi après-midi], they pulled out about thirty wounded people from the rubble, but they told us that according to them, there would remain 60 people who would have died in this bombardment. They also told us that the Ukrainian soldiers had positions very close to this school. [Dimanche matin]other rescuers tried to take this road, but impossible, you hear the shelling, the village is on the road of the Russian advance”describes Agnès Vahramian.

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