an insecticide in the sights of the authorities


Video length: 2 min

Health: an insecticide in the sights of the authorities

Sniper, an insecticide, is singled out in an ANSES report. This product is the cause of many poisonings. – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – A. Hanquet, O. Longueval, V. Lerouge, M. Rénier, J. Jonas, P. Caron, R. Laurentin

France Televisions

Sniper, an insecticide, is singled out in an ANSES report. This product is the cause of many poisonings.

The Sniper is presented as a miracle product to put an end to bedbugs on social networks. Although the promises are tempting, this insecticide is banned for sale in France. Every year, dozens of people are poisoned. The sale of this insecticide has been illegal since 2013 in France and Europe. However, this product can be found in a store in a district in the north of Paris.

A toxic substance present

Dichlorovinyl phosphate, a toxic substance, is found in Sniper. It can be fatal if handled without precaution. “If the vapors are inhaled, there may be coughing or even a triggering of an asthma attack, and this can lead to pulmonary edema”, explains Doctor Juliette Bloch, director of alerts and vigilance at ANSES. The number of poisoned people is increasing sharply due to the proliferation of bedbugs.

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