an association offers a New Year’s Eve evening to disaster victims


Video length: 2 min

Floods in Charente-Maritime: an association offers a New Year’s Eve evening to disaster victims

Floods in Charente-Maritime: an association offers a New Year’s Eve evening to disaster victims – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – E. Bonnasse, G. Allanic, J. Cordier

France Televisions

While many residents of Charente-Maritime will not be able to celebrate Christmas at home, an association invited them to celebrate Christmas with a good meal, during an evening organized for low-income people. The initiative was a real success.

Since Thursday, December 21, the water has finally receded in front of the door of a flood victim in Charente-Maritime. She can once again access her apartment and she will spend the holidays at home, with her family. An unexpected scenario just two days ago. The river came right up to his windows. “I like to say that it’s Venice through the window. Normally we have a pretty field in front of the house, but it’s completely flooded”, she explains. To decorate her living room, she only has 24 hours before the arrival of her sister, who came specially from Ireland.

New friendships

But not all victims will be so lucky. Some will celebrate Christmas at a hotel or staying with relatives. So Friday evening, an association invited them to a solidarity New Year’s Eve. Around a festive meal, 70 disaster victims joined for the first time low-income people, invited each year. “We were neighbors without knowing each other and there, we expanded our circle of friends”, rejoices a disaster victim. The magic also happens among children, especially when a surprise guest arrives dressed all in red.

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