alerts in southern Europe, 44°C expected in Spain

A general heat stroke. While the northern hemisphere is experiencing a heat dome, an extreme and persistent phenomenon, the heat wave is setting in for another day in southern Europe. On Monday July 17, the thermometer should show values ​​well above 40°C in Spain and Italy in particular. In France, it is the departments of the South-East which are the most concerned, in particular the Alpes-Maritimes, placed in “orange” vigilance by Météo France. Follow the evolution of the situation in our direct.

Caution in the Alpes-Maritimes. According to Météo France, the maximum temperatures for this Monday “are around 29 to 31°C on the coast, but go up to locally 35°C in the interior”. Deemed “not exceptional”, this heat wave still justifies special vigilance, especially for sensitive or exposed people, because of its duration” according to the institute, which warns that a “more pronounced rise in temperatures will occur on Tuesday.

The 40°C mark crossed in Spain and Italy. The Spanish Meteorological Agency predicts temperatures “extreme” in a major part of the regions of Andalusia and Castile-La Mancha, placed on “orange” alert. The mercury could reach 44°C in the afternoon. On the Italian side, the country’s meteorological authority has launched the alert and forecasts maximum temperatures above 40°c, in Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia. There too, the peak of intensity of this heat wave is expected for Tuesday and Wednesday.

A massive phenomenon. From Europe to North America, a whole hemisphere is suffocating. In the United States, from Florida to California via Texas, a large part of the south of the country found itself on Sunday under the influence of a heat wave. What make the Californian authorities fear the worst, struggling with very violent fires. In Asia, Japan has warned tens of millions of people of heat stroke, while South Korea battles major storms and floods.

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