This decision will come into force on April 30. On the other hand, owners will remain authorized to have surveillance cameras outside, “provided they indicate their location” in the advertisement.
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A change in policy. The short-term accommodation rental platform Airbnb announced on its site, Monday March 11, that it intended to ban surveillance cameras and secret cameras “in interior spaces of a dwelling (such as a hallway, bedroom, bathroom, living room) or guest house, even if these devices are turned off”. This ban will come into effect on April 30.
In the event of non-compliance with the rule, owners will risk sanctions which may include the withdrawal of their ad or even the deletion of their Airbnb account, warns the platform.
Outdoor cameras authorized
On the other hand, owners remain authorized to have surveillance cameras outside the accommodation, “provided the location is indicated” in the ad. An exception is nevertheless required “in outdoor spaces where users expect more privacy, such as in an enclosed outdoor shower or sauna”.
Furthermore, the owners are not “not required to indicate the presence of surveillance cameras and recording systems which are not under their control”like in the lobby of a building, even if the platform encourages them to do so.
Until now, Airbnb allowed cameras in the common areas of accommodation (such as a hallway or living room) provided that their presence was mentioned in the ad, she recalls.