after the accusations of his former sports director in Nice, Christophe Galtier responds

It is no exaggeration to say that currently, at Paris-Saint-Germain, business is linked at a frantic pace. After the story of the sand yacht, the Diallo affair and its mind-blowing twists and turns, the revelations of the newspaper Liberation on a scabrous affair in Doha in which the president of PSG would be involved, the opening of an investigation for corruption and trafficking in influence where a former employee of the club would be involved, so here is the latest case with Christophe Galtier accused by Julien Fournier his former sports director of a “serious thing” which would have confused the two men.

Yesterday on the RMC antenna, Julien Fournier returned to the tensions with his former coach in Nice (2021-22 season). The now sporting director of Parma (Ita) explained: “Very honestly, if I explain the real reasons why Christophe and I had a fight – because that’s really the word – Christophe will no longer go into a locker room either in France or in Europe.”

“On the form, I am not surprised knowing the character”: Christophe Galtier

During his press briefing, Christophe Galtier did not escape a question on the subject. We asked him if he was surprised by such an attack from the man who brought him to Nice a year and a half ago:

“I’m not surprised the way he expressed himself. When you’re the coach of PSG, you have a lot of exposure and I can’t, I don’t want to get tired, exhausted and debate everything. what is said because the function automatically recreates one debate on another. On the form, I am not surprised knowing the character. This is what I have to tell you. Not surprised at all”.

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