Academy of Caesars | The co-producer of Anatomy of a Fall winner of the Prix Toscan du Plantier

(Paris) Marie-Ange Luciani, co-producer of the film Anatomy of a fall nominated in five categories at the Oscars and among the favorites of the Césars, is the winner of the 17e Daniel Toscan du Plantier Prize, which rewards the producer of the year, the Académie des Césars announced on Tuesday.

At the head of the production company Les Films de Pierre, Marie-Ange Luciani has also produced films by Robin Campillo and Laurent Cantet in recent years.

Co-produced with David Thion (Les Films Pelléas), Anatomy of a fall notably won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival. Justine Triet’s film, which depicts the balance of power between a couple of artists, is in the running for the Oscars for best film, best original screenplay, best direction, best actress and better editing.

For the Césars, the French cinema awards awarded on February 23 at the Olympia, Anatomy of a fall is nominated in eleven categories, narrowly ahead of The Animal Kingdom by Thomas Cailley.

Designated by an electoral college of nearly 2,000 voters (artists and technicians nominated for the Césars since 2008 and members of the general assembly of the Césars), Marie-Ange Luciani is preparing the shooting of the next films by Léa Mysius, Laurent Cantet, Robin Campillo and Monia Chokri.

One of his productions, Foreign languagea film by Claire Burger, is also in official competition at the Berlinale 2024.

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