Daniil Kliouka, aged 27, will serve five years of his sentence “in a remand center” and the other 15 “in a strict regime colony”, an anonymous spokesperson told the Ria Novosti news agency on Thursday. of this jurisdiction.
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A Russian military court has sentenced a drawing teacher to 20 years in prison accused of “high treason” and “support for terrorist activities” for sending money to Ukraine. Daniil Kliouka, aged 27, will serve five years of his sentence “in remand center” and the other 15 “in a colony with a severe regime”, declared an anonymous spokesperson for this jurisdiction to the Ria Novosti news agency on Thursday, June 20. According to a notice on the court’s website, the verdict was delivered the day before.
The prosecution, underlined the Russian media RBK, claims that he had made two cryptocurrency transfers worth 100,000 and 20,000 rubles (approximately 1,000 and 200 euros) to a Ukrainian fund, “Come back alive” , which raises funds for the Ukrainian army. The RBK media explains that he pleaded guilty during his trial.
The accused was prosecuted after being denounced by colleagues at his school. He was arrested in February 2023 in the Lipetsk region, 350 km south of Moscow, several Russian media reported. In Russia, the invasion of Ukraine was followed by unbridled repression against any criticism or perceived support of kyiv. Thousands of people have been repressed, with threats, fines or heavy prison sentences, some of which exceed 20 years.