a possible CDI for educational assistants after 6 years of exercise on fixed-term contracts, announces the Minister of Pap Ndiaye

AEDs are recruited for a period of three years, renewable once. After these six years, they will now be CDIsés.

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Educational assistants (AED) will have the possibility from September 1, 2022 to sign a CDI, after 6 years of practice with the National Education. The decree was published in the Official Journal on Thursday August 11. The AEDs are the supervisors who supervise the students in the colleges and high schools. “The work and commitment of education assistants is now secure”, welcomed on Twitter the Minister of National Education Pap Ndiaye.

Educational assistants “are recruited for contracts of a maximum duration of three years, renewable within the limit of a total commitment period of six years. When a new contract is concluded with a person who has worked for six years as a educational assistant, this contract is for an indefinite period”details the decree.

“For the assessment of the six-year contract period, the services performed on an incomplete and part-time basis are assimilated to full-time services”, he says. In the event of refusal to renew the CDI contract, the heads of establishment must justify their decision.

The draft decree for the CDIsation of educational assistants was presented on July 6, 2022 by the Ministry of National Education to the ministerial technical committee (CTM).

In 2020, the Ministry of National Education listed around 63,000 education assistants. A quarter of AEDs are students. The vast majority are in their thirties.

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