a new takeoff for the Starship rocket


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2 min

Space: a new takeoff for the Starship rocket

Space: a new takeoff for the Starship rocket – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – S. Soubane

France Televisions

The giant rocket that Space X and Elon Musk dream of launching for lunar adventures should take off on Saturday, November 18, after the first flight was a failure. Update on the set of 20 Heures, with journalist Saada Soubane.

An immense challenge awaits once again for Elon Musk. “It is the largest and most powerful rocket in history: it is 120 m high, it has 33 engines, for a thrust of 7,200 tonnes”indicates journalist Saada Soubane, on the set of 20 Heures. “Beyond these figures, Starship is above all a new reusable technology. It has two modules: on the first stage, there is the launcher, on the second stage, the heart of the machine, the spaceship”, she continues. This modular vessel can transport satellites like a crew of astronauts.

NGOs denounce the environmental impact

Saturday, November 28 will mark another attempt at departure for Starship. Takeoff is planned from Texas (United States), for a 6-minute flight to the Gulf of Mexico, where the first stage will detach and then crash into the sea. The second will circle the Earth’s orbit, to finish his race in the water 90 minutes later in the Pacific.

In theory. Because during the first test in April, the engineers lost contact after four minutes and caused the rocket to explode. It had caused environmental damage, which alerted certain NGOs. In fact, 1.3 million liters of water will be needed on Saturday to prevent a fire on the shooting range. The trial will cost $581 million.

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