a new shareholder invests in the Corrèze rugby club

The case was validated today during a vote by CA Brive shareholders. The club experienced a capital increase thanks to the arrival of a new investor, Ian Osborne, who became the club’s largest shareholder alongside the company Vivendi.

The British Ian Osborne is a businessman known for having created and being the CEO of the investment fund Hedosophia, which supports companies around the world in the Internet and new technologies sector. At 38, the entrepreneur turned to CA Brive thanks to the advice of Yannick Bolloré, chairman of the supervisory board of Vivendi, the first sponsor of CA Brive, who presented him in July 2021 in Corrèze lands. .

Play the leading roles in the championship within five years

After reflection, the decision was taken to enter the capital of the club. “Ian’s decision to invest was made following a long review of our structures, our finances, our sponsors, our fabulous supporters and the huge potential of our rugby.” commented in a press release Simon Gilham, the president of CA Brive.

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The comment testifies to the hope of this new capital contribution, even if the club refuses to reveal the amount of the shares bought by Ian Osborne nor the money invested in the club. The ambition is displayed, since according to this same press release, “This new capital contribution will allow CA Brive to accelerate its development to become one of the best French clubs in the next five years.”

A “long-term proactive” shareholder

This ambition is backed up by Ian Osborne’s statement in the club’s statement. He promises to be a __long-term proactive shareholder”with the desire to invest “in the club’s infrastructure, including in the remarkable training that will help bring out the next Brive icons.”

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