A national line for suicide prevention: “not a priority” for Canada

Americans will be able to call 9-8-8 on Saturday for immediate assistance with suicidal thoughts, but Canadians are dragging their feet when it comes to mental health, according to the Conservative Party of Canada.

• Read also: Actress Constance Wu attempted suicide after insults on Twitter

Despite the support of multiple mental health organizations and municipalities across the country, such a hotline is not currently available to Canadians and does not appear to be a “priority” of the federal government. However, an emergency line would facilitate interventions and save more lives, believes the Conservative Party of Canada.

He deplores in particular that the government in place does not use its power to focus on major issues, such as mental health. “Throughout the pandemic, we have seen what government is capable of achieving when there is political will,” said Todd Doherty, Conservative Shadow Cabinet Assistant Minister responsible for National Defence.

“It is clear that setting up this helpline and making it easier for Canadians to access mental health resources are simply not priorities for this Liberal government,” he added.

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