Mike Horn: his two lovely daughters Annika and Jessica look like their late mother

Born in Johannesburg, South Africa, Mike Horn is celebrating his 56th birthday this Saturday, July 16, 2022. Father of two lovely young girls named Jessica and Annika born of his love with his wife Cathy, who died in 2015, these are carbon copies of their late mother. A nurse by training, Cathy had recently settled in the Vaudois Pre-Alps before meeting Mike Horn in 1990. Together they had Annika born in 1993 then Jessica born in 1994.

Gorgeous brunette with long hair and laughing eyes (like her dad), Annika made a survival Youtube video with her dad that tells how “get out of your comfort zone easily” and presents a tutorial for an icy swim. Very sporty, she seems passionate about survival, mountain biking and skiing and loves thrills.

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