a good idea for family fun

The goal is to explore the region through fun walks. Riddles along the way help guide walkers to a cache that allows you to obtain “Poï’z”, makes collectable badges.
New Aquitaine Tourism version geocaching via the app Terrà Aventura is a phenomenon. More than five million people have already tested it in ten years of existence.

What is geocaching?

Geocaching is a kind of modern treasure hunt.
Players, smartphones in hand, look for caches, hidden and more or less difficult to access. Their location is indicated via the mobile application, but only after the puzzles have been solved. Usually there are five, six stages on the course.

The Nouvelle Aquitaine Tourisme app is Terrà Aventura

The idea: to discover the nuggets of local heritage and the most beautiful walks in Périgord. The universe of Terrà Aventura is made up of Poï’z (poï for point of interest), small imaginary characters. Zéidon, Zalambic, Zart …: their first name always begins with a Z which corresponds to their shape (a foot, a leg)

Tèrra Aventura is a giant outdoor treasure hunt, with her mobile – Sophie Marnier, Head of Terrà Aventura pole

Simple and free

Very easy to use, the 100% free Tèrra Aventura application presents the available walks with all the practical information, the levels of difficulty and the distances to be covered.
Each course has a theme: the Goofs for example, which we find in Tourtoirac which is a route where we discover curiosities. In Saint-Raphaël, there is a course that can be done at night.
“There are sometimes courses with difficult terrain, or sometimes more difficult questions … you have to be vigilant, and make people think”, notes Sophie Marnier.
Depending on the appetite of each, we find its course, its theme, its difficulty.
In general, the routes are suitable for families, with children between 7 and 11 years old. The caches are QR codes (developed because of the health crisis, so we are no longer obliged to touch badges).

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