“It would be so much simpler by making the sponsorship anonymous”, defends Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the RN

“Jean-Michel Blanquer is weakened”, estimated this Wednesday on franceinfo Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen and the RN, while a strike took place this Thursday in the National Education against the Covid-19 protocol implemented in schools.

“We discover a crisis in the school which is linked to the incessant changes of protocols which follow one another. We no longer understand anything, it’s a hellish daily life. The first and the second degree end up with a minister who did not really anticipate things and who with incessant protocols poses a problem. “

Sébastien Chenu is not asking for the resignation of Jean-Michel Blanquer. “We must find solutions. We must stop with these protocols which follow one another. The fact of making the life of the French so unbearable, the life of the children so unbearable, with the pedagogical continuity that must be maintained, makes our school Let us take the temperature of the pupils at the school gates. A pupil who has a temperature comes home. Let us stop this Kafka business from evening to morning which is driving crazy. “

“It would be so much easier to make the sponsorship anonymous”

“It would be so much easier to make the sponsorship anonymous” for the presidential election, declared this Wednesday on franceinfo Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for Marine Le Pen and the RN, while the National Gathering has not yet its 500 sponsorships.

“It’s hard to get” sponsorships and it is. “for Mélenchon, Zemmour and others. We waste a lot of time and energy.” Anonymity would allow “to talk, to campaign, to compare ideas. It would be more interesting”
estimated the spokesperson for the candidate of the National Rally.

Presidential election of 2022: “That Valérie Pécresse comes to debate with Marine Le Pen”

Marine Le Pen proposed to Valérie Pécresse to hold a televised debate and Sébastien Chenu, spokesperson for the RN, “renew” this proposal this Wednesday on franceinfo.

“Valérie Pécresse cannot be in the strategy of avoidance. We must debate, confront each other. She is not very far in the polls, so she comes to debate with Marine Le Pen. Valérie Pécresse is a bourgeois, center-right liberal, which is in the philosophy of Emmanuel Macron and I would like her to tell Marine Le Pen what are her values, her methods, her entourage. I have the impression that she would not do different from Emmanuel Macron “, insisted Sébastien Chenu.

He also believes that “The voices which relate to Eric Zemmour do not relate to Marine Le Pen and would allow Valérie Pécresse to end up in the second round. So any voice on Eric Zemmour is a voice which allows Valérie Pécresse to rise to the second round. Voting for Eric Zemmour does not have much interest because he is not able to go to the second round or to beat Emmanuel Macron. While Marine Le Pen has these two capacities. “

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