a giant picnic on the Champs-Élysées


Video length: 1 min

Paris: a giant picnic on the Champs-Élysées

4,000 people, drawn at random, will take part in a picnic on the Champs-Élysées in Paris this Sunday, May 26. The operation aims to restore the image of this axis of the capital.

A 216m long Vichy tablecloth was deployed at the foot of the Arc de Triomphe on Sunday May 26. 4,000 free picnic baskets were made on site in the morning by local merchants, who each added a personal touch. “Two packets of chips, two cups, two recipe books, desserts…”lists Inès Guerri, employee of the Louise bakery.

A giant picnic on the most beautiful avenue in the world is worth it. 276,000 people registered for the draw. Everyone could invite six relatives to lunch. “It’s a privilege to enjoy a leisure activity like this”, confides a participant. The event, festive and good-natured, aims to encourage Parisians to return to the Champs-Élysées, neglected in recent years for the benefit of tourists.

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