A football star victim of a burglary and threatened with his partner: “We are going to cut you up!”

It is a practice that has no borders. In France and England, football stars are robbed almost every month. Most of the time, the thugs wait until the players are in the middle of a match to break into their homes, which happened to Paul Pogba very recently and obviously the Manchester United club is one of the preferred targets. Teammate of Harry Maguire and Cristiano Ronaldo in Manchester, the young Tahith Chong is loaned to Birmingham City this year to harden up, he who is still only 22 years old.

Despite his young age, Tahith Chong has just experienced a traumatic situation at the beginning of May when he was at home with his partner, Rianna Taylor. The latter gave an interview to the English tabloid, The Sun, in which she relates this night of terror. It is 3 am when three masked and armed men break into the house. I started shaking uncontrollably and thought it was a nightmare (…) After a few minutes, I realized it was real”recalls the young woman of 24 years.

One of the men threatened us with a very large kitchen knife

A terrible ordeal for the young Dutchman and his companion, who find themselves facing dangerous and determined men. “One of the men threatened us with a very large kitchen knife and another grabbed Tahith by the ankle and pulled him out of bed. Another was holding a baseball bat and waving it in front of us. He was shouting, ‘Where are the watches?’ The guys were terrifying and there was one in particular who was around 6’3″ who was menacing and seemed to be the leader.”says Rianna Taylor, before continuing with even more terrible threats: “They kept threatening us, saying that if they found watches and mentioned us, they would cut us up and cook us”.

After this traumatic episode, the three masked men end up finding what they came for. “They took our phones, then they took my second-hand Rolex, which was worth 3,500 euros, plus my Louis Vuitton bag”adds Rianna Taylor, before concluding, still very marked: “I haven’t had a good night’s sleep since and I can’t sleep with the lights off…”.

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