The national secretary of the union of management personnel of National Education reacts, Friday, to franceinfo, on the declarations of Nicole Belloubet earlier in the morning.
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“We are in line with the minister’s proposals: flexibility and confidence given to the field, priority to mathematics and French”, assured franceinfo, Friday March 15, Bruno Bobkiewicz, national secretary of the national education management staff union.
On franceinfo, the Minister of National Education Nicole Belloubet stated in particular that the level groups in French and mathematics in middle school “must be able to evolve over the course of the year”. They will be implemented at the start of the next school year in 6th and 5th grade.
“Let’s leave it to the field, trust us to find the best formats”asks Bruno Bobkiewicz. “The group logic is interesting, provided you have the means to put them in place. Who says group, says more teachers compared to the usual number of classes. College principals are in difficulty because they are asked to implement places a new system without the means to do it seriously”warns Bruno Bobkiewicz.