the number of auto-entrepreneurs on the rise during the health crisis

Urssaf published its figures for 2020 on Tuesday. The organization recorded an increase in registrations of nearly 10%.

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The number of auto-entrepreneurs increased in 2020, despite the context of the health crisis linked to Covid-19: this is what we learn from the report drawn up by Urssaf, Tuesday, December 14. The organization, which collects social security contributions from the self-employed, has counted 720,000 new registrations. This can be explained very simply: the pandemic and its confinements have resulted in a surge in home deliveries and advice structures of all kinds. For the first time, the number of autoentrepreneurs has exceeded that of traditional self-employed workers who have different statuses such as SARL or EURL, for example.

Self-employed people, who represented 85% of new registrations at Urssaf last year, work mainly in home delivery, transport vehicles with driver (VTC), IT or consulting. The “classic” self-employed tend to be in the paramedical, craft, real estate and insurance sectors. If the activity of some auto-entrepreneurs has been boosted by the crisis, that of the self-employed has rather fallen and their income has declined by around 10% compared to 2019.

Following a reform, the four million workers covered by the self-employed social system were integrated into the general social security system. Rest the others. The status of independent VTC driver is increasingly contested around the world. Ditto for couriers from companies, like Deliveroo or Uber Eats.

The working conditions are very difficult, without recognition or social status. Operators are starting to look for compromises, increasingly constrained by the courts. Everyone knows very well that the logic of wage labor will prevail in these sectors, especially as Brussels could decide on new legislation in the coming months.

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