Opinion – François Legault, the reader…

François Legault, it is now known, is a good reader. Unlike Duplessis, who boasted of not reading (but was it true?). The current Prime Minister reads, mostly from Quebec, of course. He seems to be proud of it… He doesn’t seem to be the type to read Marcel Proust, thus distinguishing himself from the fine scholar that is Lucien Bouchard… populism obliges!

His latest comment on a Kevin Lambert book has him clashing with this one about the housing crisis. A great tussle that Denise Bombardier would no doubt have appreciated! But at least we have a political leader who reads something other than accountants’ balance sheets. He could, however, widen his reading spectrum to include books with more depth, thus enabling him to elevate the public debate above the jobs at $60,000 or more… Well, we’ll see…

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