Miss France 2022: Jean-Pierre Pernaut sends a beautiful declaration of love to his wife

Officiating as president of the Miss France jury during the Miss France 2022 election, Saturday, December 11, 2021, Jean-Pierre Pernaut wanted to share a nice announcement with his wife, Nathalie Marquay. Shortly after being introduced by the hosts – namely, Sylvie Tellier and Jean-Pierre Foucault – the former presenter of the TF1 Televised Journal seized the opportunity to declare his love openly.

The adventure between me and Miss France began twenty years ago, almost to the day, the day of the election of Sylvie Tellier“, first indicated the father of Lou (18 years old), before being interrupted by Jean-Pierre Foucault:”I was there by the way and saw you sitting next to a young woman“. A young woman who is none other than … his wife Nathalie Marquay, Miss France 1987, whom he married in 2007.”That night there was love at first sight“, then added Jean-Pierre Pernaut, a smile on his lips. And to conclude, facing the camera to his beloved:”Nathalie, I love you and I kiss you!

Nathalie Marquay saved his life

Since he met Nathalie Marquay, Jean-Pierre Pernaut has lived a perfect love story. Madly in love with the journalist, the former Miss France remains very attentive to him. As proof, on December 4, the mother of the family spoke in front of the cameras of 50’Inside about her husband’s current lung cancer. A disease discovered in time by the latter.

It is rare that a famous personality dares to say such things about life after death and company (…) It is true that there are premonitory things which are, a little, surprising“, swayed the 71-year-old man about his wife. And to continue, not without revelations: “She said to me: ‘Go see a cardiologist, there is something wrong. I am in great shape. And I discover, two hours later at the cardiologist, that I should have been dead. So what is it weird. “

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