The President of the National Assembly announced, Wednesday, June 7, on BFMTV that she would declare inadmissible any amendment restoring article 1 of the text of the Liot group aimed at repealing the postponement of the legal retirement age from 62 at age 64. It’s almost done, since Yaël Braun-Pivet has “deemed inadmissible 54 of the 55 amendments to rewrite article 1 of the repeal bill”announces the Socialist Party in a press release consulted by franceinfo. “The only amendment that has been deemed admissible is amendment 70 of the Socialist Group”adds the Ps. If it is voted on Thursday in the Assembly, cand amendment will require the government to submit a report to Parliament to justify the nature “just” And “effective” the extension of the legal retirement age from 62 to 64 years. On the majority side, no worries. “A report has no particular impact” and in any case, “the law will not be promulgated”confides a Renaissance deputy to franceinfo. Follow our live.
“We are stunned”, reacts the president of the Liot group, Bertrand Pancher. “We thought that the President of the National Assembly was going to defend her institution”reacted on franceinfo Bertrand Pancher, president of the LIOT group in the National Assembly. “She gave in to all the pressure. After the social crisis that we are experiencing on pensions, the political crisis, we are experiencing an institutional crisis”, continues the deputy of the Meuse.
“It is in justice that we will repeal this reform”, promises the socialist Boris Vallaud. “What happened was a white thread, but the democratic cost will be greater than the economic cost they hope”, reprimanded the socialist deputy Boris Vallaud. The president of the PS group in the Assembly promises that“There will be other meetings. It is in justice that we will repeal this pension reform”.
Towards a new motion of censure. MP Mathilde Panot, leader of the La France insoumise group in the Assembly, announced the tabling of a motion of censure against the government, scheduled for Thursday in the Hemicycle. Questioned by journalists, the elected representative of Val-de-Marne denounced “extremely dangerous precedents for [la] democracy” and one “coup de force”.
No repeal review. Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly, announced on BFMTV on Wednesday that she would declare inadmissible any amendment restoring article 1 of the text of the Liot group aimed at repealing the postponement of the legal retirement age of 62 to 64 years old. “Tomorrow, whatever happens, there will be no repeal of the pension reform”she said.
The Liot Group’s proposal discussed on Thursday. Charles de Courson, the rapporteur of the bill, will table an amendment to reintroduce the repeal of the postponement of the retirement age to 64 years. The Liot group has also denounced “an unprecedented attack on the rights of Parliament”.