how to better support RSA recipients so that they find a job?


Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

A.Peyrout, C.Tixier, M.Petitjean, C.Berbetti – France 2

France Televisions

The government wishes, by law for full employment, to better support people with RSA, in particular by conditioning the allowance on 15 to 20 hours of work or training per week on a case-by-case basis. Example in the Aisne.

For a month, the life of Christopher Lacob has changed a lot. After years without a stable job and a year at the RSA, the 25-year-old will sign his first permanent contract as a salesman in a CBD shop. If it is here, it is because in return for the RSA, it was accompanied, with in particular internships in companies. “It allows you to rework, regain self-confidence and impose yourself”, he says. The one who helped him was Sylvie Berty-Brochart, who, in addition to internships, offers interviews to help job seekers.

15 to 20 hours of work or training

I realize that people are not even aware of their skills and by being on the ground, they will realize it”, she says. A pilot device in the Aisne, close to that planned by the government. RSA recipients will be able to follow 15 to 20 hours of work or training per week, the measure is available on a case-by-case basis. Opponents see the measure as a form of cut-rate employment. “Immersion, especially in business, is not about offering work that would be less paid or that would have a windfall effect for the business. The idea is to connect, says Nicolas Fricoteaux, president of the Aisne departmental council. Here, this support would have made it possible to reduce the number of beneficiaries by 11% in four years.

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